Yoga for Neck Pain: 2 Relaxing Poses

Do you experience neck pain? If so, you’re not alone. According to Harvard Health, some 80 percent of people experience neck pain at some point in their lives. If you practice yoga, you may be ahead of the game. Yoga

Yoga for Lymphatic Drainage: How to Use Yoga to Support Your Immune Health

After living through a global pandemic, immune health is on all our minds. We all want to stay as healthy and protected as possible from the inside out. Yet, one of the most crucial aspects of our immune systems, the

Mountain Pose: A Different Take on Yoga's Most Essential Posture

The mountain: majestic, powerful, immovable. In asana practice, everything comes from the Mountain Pose (Tadasana in Sanskrit) – from a place of stillness and balance. Mountain Pose is done by standing steady with feet close together and arms by the

Relieve Stress with Yoga Nidra: The Yoga of Deep Rest

What’s causing stress in your life? Maybe you’re experiencing an illness, a difficult family situation or professional change. For me, a second breast cancer diagnosis followed by a double mastectomy certainly took my stress to peak levels. At times like

Two Yoga Triangle Pose Variations for Stability and Radiance

Triangle Pose is a challenging, wide-legged, standing asana that tests your balance, flexibility, and strength. While it’s a common posture, it’s also very difficult. But you can practice a few different Triangle Pose variations to feel more radiant and poised

Learn the Secret of Transitioning from Upward Facing Dog to Downward Facing Dog in Yoga

A student of mine recently said: "I'd love a tip on how to transition my feet from Plank to Upward Dog, then Downward Dog. I always have difficulty rolling my feet from Plank to Upward Dog, and when I ‘fudge

Stress-Related Disease: What Baboons (and Yoga) Can Teach Us

Robert M. Sapolsky, a professor of biology and neurology at Stanford University, has been escaping to the Serengeti in Africa to study baboons in their natural habitat for over two decades. He believes that these baboons, who live in packs,

Yoga and Diet: The Lowdown on Veganism, Vegetarianism, Ahimsa and Protein

A big question for many yoga practitioners is whether they can be vegan or vegetarian and still get the protein they need. One of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, which also applies to life, is Ahimsa or non-violence. As our

Restorative Yoga: Breathe Easier in Supported Side-Lying Stretch Pose

Supported Side-Lying Stretch Pose is a gentle release for the sides of your body that opens the torso, stretches the intercostal muscles between the ribs, and can help alleviate shoulder tension. And if you practice deep, calming breaths in this

Viparita Karani: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Legs Up the Wall Pose

Legs Up the Wall, or Viparita Karani, is one of the most soothing and relaxing postures from the yogic repertoire. This simple inversion utilizes a wall to stretch your legs up on to allow gravity to slowly and gently assist

Can Frog Pose (Mandukasana) Really Help with Digestion and Relieve Constipation?

If you've ever experienced digestive issues, you know how uncomfortable and frustrating they can be. Luckily, yoga offers a wide range of poses that can help alleviate these issues, including Frog Pose (or Mandukasana in Sanskrit). In this article, we'll

Yoga and Wellness Matters in Epigenetics - 6 Ways to Reprogram Your Fate

Knowing your genetic propensity for a certain disease may be powerful information, but the results don’t seal your fate. Last year, I sent a tube of my saliva off to learn more about my risk for diseases (and potentially connect

4 Ways Yoga Affects Your Breast Health

While for skeptics, it might seem like yoga for breast health are two phrases that don’t really belong in the same sentence, for those more attuned to yoga's subtleties, it likely makes perfect sense. Yoga can actually affect breast health

Yoga 2.0-Create Spaciousness in the Hips with Bound Angle Pose

Baddha Konasana, or Bound Angle Pose, is a seated “hip opener” that requires deep external rotation in the hips. While it may seem easy to some, most people don’t actually have that range of motion readily available within the hip

3 Somatic Exercises for Healthy Posture

You can create healthy posture by using the somatics exercises I share below. But first, please realize that healthy posture is not a consequence of forcing your body to sit, stand or walk tall, upright, or even aligned. You can
